Monday, February 07, 2011

Pottery Sale at Sg Pasar Malem CNY 6 Feb 2011

On the last public holidays day of CNY - 6 Feb 2011, this pasar malem stall is still seen
selling pottery and china stuffs. 
One of the 3 partners from China will be sleeping overnight at the stall to 'juga' (guarding).

Next morning saw one of them brushing teeth with one of the pottery cups.

I always thought they are clearing all these delicate items at low prices since
one of their red poster indicates " Give Money , Will Sell " in Chinese.

It's already the last day of their rental and they are still selling the big goldfish white bowls at
exorbitant prices, one of them told me its supposed to be S$300, now sell me for S$180 only.

Really Ali Ba Ba!

Give Money , Will Sell

Big Goldfish Bowls "Clearing Sale" @ SGD180 (last day 7 Feb 11" Sun)

brushing his teeth with one of the pottery cups

crowd coming in around 830am

good sale on the last day 7 Feb 11" (Sun)
Lease of Pasar Malem expiring on the night

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