Friday, April 01, 2011

Fans at Stefanie Sun Autograph Session IMM On 1 April 2011

Fans mostly from China waiting for Stefanie Sun at the entrance of Long Beach Restraunt of IMM.
All ready to take out the cameras to take a long shoot about 50 meters away.

The chinese girl request the secuirty guard to shift his head so that she can take a picture of Stefanie Sun on stage.

In order to take a look at Stefanie Sun, each has to buy her latest album at S$24/copy !

All CDs of Stefanie Sun Sold out Before 715pm!
this girl bought 4 copies and walked around IMM holding the CDs tightly
Cisco security only allows those who has a copy of Stefanie Sun's Cd to enter
All professional cameras long shoot zoom in from the entrance

Zoom In with Her latest Nikon Camera

Chaos , almost uncontrollable at Long Beach of 3rd Floor IMM
police here to maintain law and order
this is the stage where Stefanie Sun sings one or two songs before she autographs for her Fans

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