Thursday, April 07, 2011

Holland Village Singapore Expat Favorite Hangout

I remebered my first visit to Holland Village is during my NS days. We wore almost anything we can find.
I think I wore formal shirts and pants but nowadays only casual waer like slippers ,singlets and burmudas for me .

One of my friend Andrew Loy who lived in an ah-moh house @ Sixth Avenue
(nearby bukit timah) will drive us to pick-up his "ah lian girlfriend" (Joan) at Sunset Way.

Thereafter we will proceed to Holland Village I remebre there is a disco club where
we can dance throughout the night. After that we will book in HQ SCE at Jurong Camp II after 1am.
Or sometimes we go to Holland V during friday nights and when everything is over, we can go straight
home for a long weekend sleep.

Without Andrew to drive us there, nowadays we either cycle or make our way there by ourselves.

Many things have changed , the disco is no longer there and so is his ah lian girlfriend who got hitched with her childhood boyfriend many years back, now child shd be grown to Primary Six now.

Things really changed a lot!

Heres the video that I took from Clemeti Road to Holland Village via Ulu Pandan Road

...some pix of Holland Village more on my facebook album

Buses to Holland Village

Alight at Blk 12 Holland Ave

Hollland Road Shopping Centre - Cold Storage on 1st Floor

Holland Road Shopping - Get some Cool on a Summer Hot Day

many slippers at Holland Village

swimming pool nearby

Bus stop opposite Buona Vista MRT.
Walk behind blk 43 to get to Holland Village for abt 15 mins

Blk 43

my pair of slippers bought at Holland Road Shopping Centre on 3rd level

messy at Holland Village


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