Monday, October 17, 2011

CSP Certified Service Professional 17 Oct 2011

Recently signed up a CSP course with the support of CDC.

Today is the 1st day of training with Ms Norin, 30 years of experience
in the service industry like SIA, general manager of a retail outlet.
And conducted training in service excellence for banking group, 

She has been teaching for the past 3 years ever since WDA started this course.
Trainer Ms Norin presenting to us

Today 1st day the dress code of most of my classmates is not appropriate.
Tomorrow onwards must start wearing shirt, pants and shoes.

In the class we have retirees, working persons who wanted to upgarde themselves.
One of my classmate is an Enginner from China seem unhappy to attend this class as he is being "arrowed" to go for this training.

First day of training touched on changing our mindset and having a positive frame of mind. I reckon he already cannot pass since he is unable to fully accept the reality of life.

Trainer Ms Norin providing a bin for us to throw our negative thoughts

Lecture and Screen

Classmate examining the positive statements on the wall

Rules and Regulations (Blue paper)
Pink Notes:  Positive Thoughts of a Sevice Industry

Duty Rooster for Service Host and Banquet Teams
We'r T4 : svc host for day 2, serving meal on days 3 & 5

I dun know whatis this form for?
CSP WSQ Application Form

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